• Le bonheur d'être mère(eng)

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    A felicidade de ser mãe

    The happiness of being a mother

        Lady (GB)

    This tutorial is by Béa

    Thank you Béa, for allowing me to translate your tutorial 

    This tutorial is protected by copyright

    Le monde de Béa

    The material provided is protected by the authors of the tubes

    It is prohibited to appropriate or modify the original and / or signatures.

    Any dissemination without written authorization is prohibited.

    Tutorial Original On here

    Versão conforme ao original:

    Le bonheur d'être mère 

    my version: tube by Edwige, misted  by EMA , Thanks

    Le bonheur d'être mère (pt)



    Mura's Seamless - Flaming Pear -

    Ap Lines - Mura's Meister -

    Alien skin eye Candy 5 Impact - AAA Frames

    Material On here

    Remove the signature from the tubes before use



    Original colors:

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Foreground color 1 #f6dcdd

    Background color 2 #ac6f70


    Load file Alpha_LeBonheurDetreMere


    Close the original, work on the copy


    Load the tube mulher de LValella

    Edit/ Copy

    *Son your work: Selections , select all

    Edit/paste into selection 

    Selections, select none


    Effects, Image effects, seamless tilling, settings: Default

    Adjust, Blur,  Radial Blur:

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Layers, merge all 


    Right click on the layers palette: Promote background layer


    Effects, Edge effects, enhance more 

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more


    Layers, new raster layer

    Fill in color  2

    Load the mask NarahsMasks_1779

    Layers, new mask layer from image :

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Layers, merge group


    Effects, plugins: Mura's Seamless, Emboss at alpha, how to opening

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Effects 3D drop shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 10 Color 1


    On the  Raster 1 layer

    Layers, new raster layer 

    fill in color 1

    Load the mask Silvie_Mask:déco21M

    Layers, new mask layer from image :

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Layers, merge group


    Layers, properties, Blend Mode, screen 


    On the top layer 

    Layers, new raster layer

    fill in color  2

    Effects , Distortion effects, Lens distortion:

    Le bonheur d'être mère


    Effects, Flaming pear, Flexify 2:

    (author's screenshot)

    Image, Resize at 85% (all layers unchecked)


    Selections, load the selection from alpha Channel, sélection 1: 

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Layers, new raster layer

    Load the landscape misted by Sonia, or yours


    *Paste into selection 

    selections, select none


    Layers, arrange, move down 

    On the top layer (frame)

    Effects 3D drop shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 10, Color 2

    Effects,  Ap Lines SilverLining, Dotty grid:

    Le bonheur d'être mère


    In materials/ layers: click to close the eye of the frame and landscape

    on the Raster 1 , layers merge visibles


    Effects , plugins: Mura's Meister - Perspective tiling:

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Effects 3D , drop shadow 0 / 0 / 75 / 25 , black


    Open the top two layers (Click to make them visible)


    On the top

    Load the tube Deco, copy

    *paste as a new layer

    Activar a pick tool "letra K", place it:

    Position X 19

    Position Y -13

    letter M to deselect


    Load the  losanges tube, copy

    *Paste as a new layer

    Activar a pick tool "letra K", place it:

    Position X 74

    Position Y 180



    Selections, select all, float, defloat

    Effects , plugins:  Alien skin eye Candy 5 Impact - Glass - Settings: Clear No Drop Shadow

    Effects 3D drop shadow 1 / 1 / 50 / 1 black

    Select none


    Load the LignesLosanges tube, copy

    * paste as a new layer 

    Activar a pick tool "letra K", place it:

    Position X 43

    Position Y 62

    ( M)


    Layers, merge visibles


    Image Resize at  30% (all layers unchecked)

    Selections, Select all, float, defloat

    Selections , modify, select the selection borders:

    Le bonheur d'être mère(eng)

    Fill in white 

    Select none

    Effects, plugins: Mura's Meister, Copies :

    (author's screenshot )

    Objects, align, left 

    Or with pick tool "K": Position X at 0


    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more  (Adapt to your colors)

    Effets 3D drop shadow 0 / 0 / 75 / 25 black


    Image, Add borders,  symmetric:

    1 px white

    3 px color 2

    3 px color 1

    3 px color 2

    10 px white

    5 px color 2

    35 px white


    Activate the magic tool, select the de 5 px color 2 border

    Effects , plugins: Ap Lines, SilverLining: Dotty Grid

    Le bonheur d'être mère

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more

    Select none


    On the woman tube , copy

    *paste as a new layer 

    Image, Resize a 115% (all layers unchecked)

    Image, Mirror, Mirror horizontal

    put as the final example

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen


    Layers/ Duplicate

    On layer below  (original)

    Adjust, Blur,  gaussien, radius at 30

    Layers, properties, Blend Mode Multiply, Opacity at 80, or according to your colors


    Sobre a layer Background 

    Selections, select all , Modify, contract at 15


    Effects plugins:  AAA Frames , Texture Frame:

    Le bonheur d'être mère


    Layers, new raster layer 

    fill in color 2

    Layers, properties, Blend mode, hard light 

    or other blend mode, according to your colors the texture should appear in color

    Layers, merge down 


    Effects 3D , drop shadow cas before

    Select none


    Sign and add the author's watermark 


    Image , Add borders, symmetric: 1 px color 2

    Image, Resize, width at  950 px 

    Adjust, sharpness, unsharp mask, setting: soft 

    Save as jpeg


    Thank you Kika 


    Le bonheur d'être mère(eng)

    « Le bonheur d'être mère (pt)HOT (pt) »

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