• Toxique (GB)


     This tutorial is my own, any resemblance to another tutorial is just pure coincidence.

    Forbidden to share without my permission.


    Authorizations tubes

    Material / credits

    Filters used:

    On Here
     Thank you
    Tubes , Décos , WA: de Moi-Même

    Masque de Nikita, Merci !

    Origine du masque déco;On here

      Merci les tubeurs !

    Alien skin Eye Candy 5 Impact

      MuRa’s Meister

     Mystic Nights



    General preparation: Before starting one of my tutorials

    This tutorial was created with PSP 2020, can be done with previous versions,

    The alpha channel is compatible with pSP7

    If you can't open canal_alpha: Place the selections in your PSP selections folder

    Place the PSP scripts and gradients in the corresponding "regulated" folder.

    Most of my filters are in Unlimited, check the filter folder, some work outside of it.

    Open the mask on the PSP.

    Duplicate the material and work on the copies.

    Remove signatures from tubes before use

    Double click on presets Valentina , they will be installed automatically 

    You can adapt the colors, the Blend mode of the layers, to your work



     Intial dimension: 900x600 px

    Colors :

    1 # 755a55

    2 # 52595a

    3 White

    4 black

    put colors:

    Foreground: White

    Background: color 2


    New, raster 900x600 px, transparent

    fill with color 2


    Open the character tube, about it:

     Image, rotate left

    Edit / Copy

    Edit, Undo

    (leave open on PSP for later)

     3 /

    Activate your work

    Selections, select all

    Add a new layer

    Edit / paste into selection

    Remove the selection

    4 /

    Adjust, Blur, blur radial:


    Effects, Textures, fur:


    5 /

    Duplicate this layer

    Image, mirror, mirror horizontal,

    Layers, propreties, Blend mode, screen

    Layers, merge visible

    Adjust, blur, radial, as before (in memory)

    Effects, Textures, fur, as before (in memory)

    Effects, Edge effects, ehnance

     6 /

    Add a new layer

    Fill in white

    Layers, new mask layer, from image:


    Merge group

    Layers, propreties, put Opacity at 50.

    7 /

    Activate the layer Merged (background)

    Copy / paste the misted ciel_tuto _toxique

    (save the proportions)

    Blend mode, soft light

     objects, align, top

    8 /

    Activate the layer Merged

    Duplicate this layer

    Effects, plugins:

     MuRa’s Meister, Tone:


    MuRa’s Meister, Perpective tilling:


    9 /

    Activate the layer Merged

    Selections, selectionner all, Modify, Contract de 20

    Selections, invert

    Promote selection to layer

    Remove the selection

    Layers, arrange, bring to top

    Effects, plugins: MuRa’s Meister, Perpective tilling, in memory

     10 /

    Activate the top layer of the layers:

    Copy / paste as a new layer, 0 tube character you left out

    Image, Resize at 55%, all layers unchecked

    Duplicate this layer

    Effects plugins:

    Alien skin Eye candy, perspective shadow, settings: Drop shadow blurry

    (or drop shadow of your choice)

    put on the right

    Activating the pick tool K (K key)

    Place: Position X 532, Y 20

    (adapt to your tube)

    M key to deactivate the tool

     11 /

    Activate the layer below

    Layers, propreties, Blend mode, screen

    Image, mirror, mirror horizontal

    Pick tool K, put:

    Position: X 641, Y 20

    12 /

    Copy-paste as a new layer the following tubes:

    Tube: Tox_fumée:

    position: X 15,  Y 184

    Tube: Masque tox:

    position: X 188,  Y 127

    Blend mode Screen, opacity at 80

    Tube: Déco toxique

    position: X 9,  Y 11

    (Tool: color changer to adapt to your colors)

    If you want to make your decoration:

    Open the tube symbole toxique, color to suit your work

    Image, Add borders, symmetric checked:

    2 px black

    10 px color 2

    2 px black

    5 px color 1

    2 px black

    continue as explained in steps 15 and 16.

    copy / paste as a new layer

    Resize to 58%, all layers unchecked

    Duplicate and resize to 80%, all layers unchecked

    put as in my example

    Join the tube: pour déco, place between the two frames, to separate

    Merge 3 times, to obtain a layer, place as explained above.

    13 /

    Copy / paste the WA text:

    put as in my example or depending on your work.

    3D effects, drop shadow: 1/1/100/1, color 1

    14 /

    Image, Add borders, symmetric checked

    2 px black

    10 px color 2

    2 px black

    5 px color 1

    2 px black

    5 px color 2

     15 /

    Activate the magic wand, Select the 10 px border

    Selections, Contract of 2

    Effects plugins:

    MuRa’s Meister, Tone as previously

     3D Effects, Inner bevel:

    Remove the selection

     16 /

    Select the border of 5 px color 1

    Effects plugins:

    Mystic Nights, Frosted Glass, how to open:

    Remove the selection

    17 /

    Sign your work

    Attach my signature

    (can resize, Blend mode soft light)

     18 /

    Selections, select all

    Image, Add borders, Symmetric checked:

    2 px black

    20 px color 1

    19 /

    Selections, invert

    Effects plugins:

    Muras Meister, Tone, as previously

    Adjust, Blur, gaussien, radius at 20

    Selection, invert

     3D Effects, drop shadow: 0/0 / 50/20 black

    Remove the selection

    20 /

    Merge all

    Image, resize, width at 950 px

    Save to JPG / jepg


    « Toxique (pt)Cubes (pt) »

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