• Bonne Année 2021 (GB)

    Bonne Année 2021

    Happy 2021

    Bonne Année 2021

     animation gif:


    This tutorial is my creation, any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence.

    Prohibited from sharing without my permission.


    Tubes, masks, backround, décos ,WA

    Plugins : 

    Glacial (GB)

     On Here
    Credit for the images used belongs to the author

     My tutorials are protected by:

    Tube by: Azalée

    Thank you tubeurs!

     WA , tubes décos : by Moi-Même 

    others to do during the tutorial



     MuRa’s Meister

    Alien skin Eye Candy 5, Impact


    Optional animation :

    Animation shop

    Alien Skin Xenofex 2




    General preparation: Before starting one of my tutorials

    This tutorial was created with PSP 2020, can be done with previous versions,

    The alpha channel is compatible with pSP7

    If you can't open alpha channel: Place the selections in your PSP selections folder 

    Place the PSP scripts and gradients in the corresponding "regulated" folder.

    Most of my filters are in Unlimited, check the filter folder, some work outside of it. 

    Open the mask on the PSP.

    Duplicate the material and work on the copies.

    Remove signatures from tubes before use

    Double click on presets   Valentina  , they will be installed automatically 

    You can adapt the colors, the Blend mode of the layers, to your work




    Octobre rose


    Initial dimensions900x600 px


    Foreground Color 1 : #27242b

    background Color 2 : #605d5f

    Color 3 : #f7c9b5

    In Materials, put the colors :



    Load the alpha Bonne Année 2021

    fill with color 2


    Layers, New raster layer

    Effects plugins:

    (if necessary: my effect layer chrome, is on the material)

    Alien skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, Chrome : apply the preset Bonne Année 2021 (user settings)

    Data like this if necessary:

    Reflection Map: Nature palm Trees

    Basic :

    Layers, propreties, blend mode, luminance (lagacy)

    Layers, merge down


    Selections, load a selection from alpha channel, sélection 1

    Selections, promote selection to layer

    Adjust,Blur,  gaussien, radius at  40

    Effects ,Textures, Tiles, (tille shape, Square ):


    Add a new raster layer

    Fill with the color 1

    selections, select none

    Selections, load a selection from alpha channel,  Sélection 2


    Select none

    Effects 3 D, Inner bevel ( n°2) :


    load the tube : Cadran_montre3_tube_byMM

     ( to adapt it to your colors utilise the changer  color tool )

    Edit, Copy

    On your work : Edit, paste as a new layer

    Image, Resize a 80% all layers unshecked

    place with the pick tool K (K key to activate it):

    Position : X 94, Y 145

    (M key to deselect the tool)

    Effects 3 D drop shadow : 1/1/100/1 black


    Layers, merge down

    Effects 3 D drop shadow : 1/1/100/16 black

    Merge down

    Effects plugins :

    Alien Skin, Eye Candy 5 Impact, Perpective Shadow, apply the preset B année 2021 

    Data like this if necessary, Setting:  reflect in front


    Objects, Align, bottom (to slip down slightly) 

    Effects 3D, drop shadow as before


    Layers, new raster layer

    Fill with color   3


    Load the mask : projecteurs mask

    Layers, new mask layer, from image :

    layers, Merge group

    Change for: Blend Mode , screen, Opacity a 80


    On the layer raster 1

    Selections, load a  sélection from alpha channel, Sélection 3

    Promote selection to  layer

    Adjust, blur, gaussien, as before

    Effects, Textures, tiles, as before

    Colocar: Blend Mode, Dissolve, opacity at 80

    Select none


    On the layer raster 1

    Selections, load a  sélection from alpha channel, Sélection 4

    Promote selection to  layer

    Arrange, move up

    Select none

    (you can't see anything and it's normal)


    Effects 3D, Inner Bevel, as before

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before

    Edit, réepeat drop shadow

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more


    On the layer above ( promoted Selection 1)

    Load the tube: feux-de-nouvel-an-MM

    Copy/paste as a new layer

    put bottom left :

    Objects, Align, left and align bottom

    Change: Blend Mode mélange, hard light, opacity at 80

    (adapt to your decor and work)


    On the  layer raster 1

    Layers, Duplicate

    Effects textures, Tiles as before

    Effects, plugins : MuRa’s Meister, Perspective tilling :

    Selections, load a  sélection from alpha channel, Sélection 5

    Delete 4 times

    Select none


    On the top of  layers

    Load the title : Wa BA2021, copy/paste as a new layer

    Place it with the pick tool K:

    Position : X 118, Y 27

    Effects 3 D, Drop shadow, 1/1/100/1 black


    On the layer raster 1

    Edit, Copy


    Image, add borders, symmetric  :

    1 px color 1

    2 px color 2

    1 px  color 1

    5 px color 3

    1 px color 1


    Selections, select all


    Image add borders, symmetric  :

    20 px  color 2

    Selections, Invert

    Edit/paste into selection (The image was saved)

    Remover a seleção


    Image , add borders , symmetric :

    1 px color 1

    2 px color 2


    Activat the magic wand tool, tolerance and feather at  zero, select the border of  5 px cor 3

    Effects Textures,Tiles, as before (still memorised )

    Effects 3 D, Inner bevel, como antes (still memorised )

    Select none


    Load the Main Tube (woman in my case)

    Image, Resize a  80% all layers unshecked

    (or adapt to your tube)

    Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen

    Place with pick tool K:

    Position : X 629, Y 55 (adapt to your tube)

    (M to deselect the tool )

    Effects plugins :

    Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, Perspective shadow, drop shadow blurry


    Sign and attach my signature


    Add borders, 1 px color 1

    Sharpness, sharpen (if it is necessary)


    Copy/paste o tube: déco tchin-tchin

    place with the pick tool K :

    Position : X 166, Y 370

    (M to deselect the tool )

    Effects, plugins :

    Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, Perspective shadow, drop shadow blurry


    Animation is not mandatory

    If you wish to proceed with the animation, ignore this point, continue at step 26

    Image, Resize width at 950 px  all layers marcado



    For Animation gif  :

    (if you use another decoration, or if this stage is problematic, see another option at the bottom of the page)

    Bonne Année 2021

    Skip the step 25

    You need Animation shop

    The animation will have 3 images


    my PNG layers, effects of the constellation xenofex plugins, are in the animation folder

    copy and paste each of them, as a new layer, adjust the position, if necessary, close and open as shown.

    We started :


    Still on your PSP work

    Duplicate the decoration 2 times

    So, you get 3 decorative images, rename them 1, 2, 3

    Image, Resize width at  950 px  all layers checked


    Selections, load a selection from alpha channel, Sélection 6

    (You can increase it by 1px if desired or select multiple points with the magic tool, On a dark color)

    Effects , plugins : Alien Skin Xenofex 2 , Constellation :

    On settings choose: bling bling

    parameters : Star Size (pixels) à 4.76:

    Close the layer (In materials, click on the eye to make it invisible)


    On the layer below

    Redo the contellation effect, with the same parameters, but click 1x on random seed

    Close the layer, as explained above


    Repeat the same process for the layer below,  (random seed), close the layer

    the layers screenshot:

    Select none


    Edit, copy special, copy merged 


    On Animation shop

    Edit, past as a new animation


    On psp

    close  the  layer 1

    Place yourself and open the layer 2  :

    Edit, copy spécial, copy merged


    On Animation Shop

    Edit, past after courrent image


    On  PSP

    Repeat the same procedures for the layer 3


    On Animation shop

    (click to see the animation


    Bonne Année 2021

    click again to stop it)

    Animation, Image propreties :

    File, save as  gif

    Bonne Année 2021

    My version 2: tube by Maryse, thank you !

    Bonne Année 2021

    If you use another decoration, this is the case for my second version (above):

    Do not duplicate the decoration

    With the  magic wand tool, previous settings

    make several clicks on your decor and on a dark color

    Note: Save the selection to the alpha channel or disk, so that you can recover it if you lose it

    Effetcts plugins:  Xenofex as before

    Select none

    Edit, copy spécial, copy merged

     Animation Shop : paste as a new animation

    On your work PSP, undo  2x, the selection reappears

    Effects plugins:  Xenofex>>>  click on random seed 1 time

    repeat the steps again, 2 times

    Save as gif



    Thank you Alyciane for testing this tutorial:

    Bonne Année 2021

    Thank you Béa for testing this tutorial:

    Bonne Année 2021


    Send me Your work, he will be published after the original tutorial ( On Here)

    Thank you Marika

    Bonne Année 2021 (GB)

    « NoelBonne Année (pt) »

  • Commentaires

    Vendredi 25 Décembre 2020 à 21:44


      • Vendredi 25 Décembre 2020 à 22:47

        Merci Beaucoup Marika !


        Bonne soirée et à bientôt

      • Samedi 26 Décembre 2020 à 22:04

        Én köszönöm a szép feladatot de úgy látom nem sikerült a képet ide tennem...

        Szép estét kívánok szeretettel.

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