• Bonne Année 2023 (eng)

    Bonne Année 2023


      Lady (GB)

    This tutorial is by Béa

    Thank you Béa, for allowing me to translate your tutorial 

    This tutorial is protected by copyright

    Le monde de Béa

    The material provided is protected by the authors of the tubes

    It is prohibited to appropriate or modify the original and / or signatures.

    Any dissemination without written authorization is prohibited.

    Tutorial original:  On here

     Versão conforme ao original:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Material : On here


    Flaming Pear - Unlimited - Ap Lines -

    Carolaine and Sensibility - Mura's Seamless

    Cores originais:

    Color 1 (yellow): #f9ea9d, or of your choice

    Color 2: Black 


    Load the Alpha_BonneAnnee


    Close the original and work on the copy


    Fill with color 1

    Load the woman tube

    (Remove watermark from tubes)

    Edit/ Copy

    *On your work: layers new raster layer

    Selections, Select all 

    Edit/ paste into selection

    Selections, select none 

    Effects, image effects,  seamless tilling, setting: Default 

    Adjust, blur, radial blur:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Layers, merge visibles 

    Effects, Edge effects, enhance more 


    Layers, new raster layer 

    Prepare and fill with the following Linear gradient:

    Bonne Année 2023


    Load the mask NarahsMasks_1759

    *On your work: Layers, new mask layer from image: 

    Bonne Année 2023

    Layers, merge group

    Effects, plugins: Mura's Seamless , Emboss at alpha , how to opening


    Load the landscape tube , copy

    *Sélections , load a selection from alpha channel, sélection 1:

    Bonne Année 2023 (eng)

    Edit/paste as a new layer 

    Image, Resize a  50% all layers unchecked

    Activate the move tool (M key), put the landscape inside the selection , how to like

    Selections/ Invert


    Selections/select none


    Layers, Arrange, move down 

    On the layer above (mask)

    Effects 3D drop shadow 0 / 0 / 75 / 25 black

    Layers, merge down 

    Resize a  90% , all layers unchecked


    On the merged layer

    Effects , plugins: Unlimited - &<Bkg Designer sf10 II> PatchRing 01:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen

    Effects, plugins: Simple: Pizza Slice Mirror 

    Effects, Reflection effects, rotating mirror :

    Bonne Année 2023


    Stay on the  merged layer

    Sélections , load a selection from alpha channel, sélection 2

    Selections, promote selection to layer

    Effects, plugins: Carolaine and Sensibility - Cs-LDots:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Selections, Select none



    Image, Mirror horizontal

    Effects 3D drop shadow, shadow on new layer checked 

    Bonne Année 2023

    Stay on this layer  (shadow )

    Effects , plugins:  Ap Lines - Silverlining:

    Bonne Année 2023


    On the layer below

    Effects 3D drop shadow,  shadow on new layer checked

    Bonne Année 2023

    Effects , pluins: Ap Lines - Silverlining, as before


    On the merged layer

    Selections, load a selection from alpha channel, sélection 3 

    Effects 3D drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25 noir , shadow on new layer unchecked

    Bonne Année 2023

    Select none


    On the top layer 

    Load the Stella_byclo tube

    With the changer color tool

    Bonne Année 2023

    Bonne Année 2023

    grandient  in the foreground, left click on the tube

    Note: your psp may not take the gradient , but the foreground color


    * paste as a new layer

    Image, Resize at 35% , all layers unchecked

    With the pick tool  " K key" , place it:

    Position X 390

    Position Y 10

    M key to remove selection

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen


    Edit/copy special, copy merged

    Edit/paste as a new layer 

    Effects , plugins: Mura's Meister - Perspective tiling:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before


    Layers, New raster layer 

    fill with this gradient:

    Load the mask NarahsMasks_1760

    Layers, new mask layer, from image:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Layers, duplicate, 2 times (you get 3 times the mask)

    Layers, merge group


    Effects, Image effects, offset:

    Bonne Année 2023


    Image , Mirror, horizontal

    Image, Mirror, vertical

    Layers, merge down

    Effects, plugins:  Flaming pear, Flexify 2:

    Bonne Année 2023


    Layers, Duplicate

    Image, Mirror, horizontal

    Layers, merge down 

    Effects, edge effects, enhance more

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before


    Still on top of layers 

    Load Deco tube


    * Paste as a new layer


    Image, Add borders, symmetric:

    2 px Color 1

    2 px black

    2 px Color 1

    Select all 

    Image, Add borders, symmetric:  10 px, any color

    Selections/ Invert

    Fill with initial gradient:

    Bonne Année 2023

    Adjust, Blur, gaussien blur, radius at  10

    Effects, plugins: Graphic Plus, Cross Shadow , how to opening

    Select none


    Image, Add borders, symmetric:

    2 px black

    5 px Color 1

    2 px black

    Select all

    Image, Add borders, symmetric  25 px, any color

    Selections/ Invert

    Preencher com o gradient initial, as before

    Edit/Copy, again, the Deco tube

    *Paste into selection

    Effects, Edge effects, enhance more 

    Selections/ Invert

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before

    Select none


    Load the  Eugenia Clo clock tube

    proceed with the color changer tool, as before, with the gradient in the foreground, left click on the clock


    * paste as a new layer

    Resize a  75% , all layers unchecked

    Pick tool  "K", place it:

    Position X 762

    Position Y 235

    ( M)

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more

    Effects 3D drop shadow, as before


    Load the woman tube

    * paste as a new layer

    Resize a 75% all layers unchecked

    put how about the final example

    Effects 3D drop shadow as before

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more (if necessary)


    Load the title/ "titre" tube


    * paste as a new layer

    Select all, float, defloat

    Selections, modify, Contract at 3

    fill with initial gradient 

    Select none

    Adjust, sharpness, sharpen more

    Effects 3D, drop shadow as before


    Sign and add the author's watermark


    Image, Add borders, symmetric:  1 px de Color 1

    Resize width at 950 px 

    Adjust, sharpness, unsharp mask:

    Bonne Année 2023 

    Save as  jpeg


    Obrigado !!!

     La manouche

    Bonne Année 2023 (eng)


    « Bonne Année 2023 (pt)Joyeuses fêtes 2022 (pt) »

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